Book a room in the center of Gdańsk

Elektryków Street

1.5 km from the Montownia

A music and catering space in the Gdańsk
Shipyard with clubs, pubs and food tracks.

Sassy Gdańsk

1.8 km from the Montownia

Popular venue with restaurant, music club
and cocktail bar on the Motława River at
Chmielna 10 Street.


700 m from the Montownia

A lively dance club in a converted air-raid
shelter at Olejarna 3 Street.

Wolność Club

700 m from the Montownia

An entertainment club at Wały Piastowskie
24 Street, organising events dance parties
of various themes.

Tkacka Music Club

1.5 km from the Montownia

Music club in the centre of Gdańsk at
Tkacka 9 Street, organising concerts of
renowned artists and parties with DJs


1.5 km from the Montownia

The largest concert club in the Tri-City,
located in the former Gdańsk
former Gdańsk Shipyard in Elektryków
Street, in the scenery of historic cranes.


4 km from the Montownia

A cultural and entertainment space
known, among other things, for its street
food, bars, concert stages, a beach, a
playground and a street art gallery.