Zarezerwuj apartament w centrum Gdańska

Discover the beauty of Gdańsk from an entirely new perspective.

Immerse yourself in luxury and comfort, both on land and water.We invite you to take advantage of our new, exclusive promotional package that guarantees unforgettable experiences!

The package includes:

  • 2 nights in the comfortable MONTOWNIA apartments
  • Breakfast at GreenEgg
  • A 1-hour cruise on the luxurious Saxdor GTC 320 motor yacht with Cruise my bay!
  • A bottle of prosecco on board
  • Care of a professional crew during the cruise

Only until 18.08.24, prices start from 2,500 PLN!

This is the perfect opportunity to relax, unwind, and admire the beauty of Gdańsk in a completely new way. Don’t miss this chance for an unforgettable holiday! Book today and embark on an adventure you won’t soon forget!

Details and reservations available at: